Volume 4, Issue 9 (2016)                   CFL 2016, 4(9): 149-176 | Back to browse issues page

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Noori A, Rahimi Harsini B. Comparison of Bahman Adventure in Ferdowsi's Shahnama and Lakish Bahman –o- Faramarz. CFL 2016; 4 (9) :149-176
URL: http://cfl.modares.ac.ir/article-11-7935-en.html
Abstract:   (9922 Views)
The story of Bahman in Shahnameh, despite the apparent independence, isn’t an independent narration; and In fact, it is a part of the main story of Rustam and Esfandiar; but the story, independently, becomes the subject of "Bahman-Name" of Iranshah ibn Abelkhayr and "Bahman and Faramarz" of Nowshad of Abolvafa , famous Lak poet in the Safavid era. The adventure of Bahman in Shahnameh is a brief story. In this story, after Bahman's Enthronement, he has attended to his animosity of the house of Rustam. He addressed there to Bahman's enthronement, his campaign in Sistan (to vengeance of Esfandiar), captive of Zal and Faramarz war, and finally, the marriage of Bahman with Homay and his death. But narrative of "Bahman and Faramarz", is the painful tragedy and partial description about oppressed death of Faramarz. This verse book begins with a description of Faramarz's bravery; narrates Bahman's Unequal battle with him and after describing his deplorable death, describes the story of revenge of Azar borzin in a beautiful and effective narrative voice. In this paper, we are going to analyze and compare the similarities and differences between the narrative of Ferdowsi and the influence of Ferdowsi of Nowshad and also show the degree of Nowshad's independence from Ferdowsi and finally, the particular characteristics of the verse book "Bahman and Faramarz" of Nowshad. Overall, the differences between "Bahman and Faramarz" of Nowshad and Ferdowsi's narrative, are more than their similarities. 
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Received: 2015/05/13 | Accepted: 2015/12/6 | Published: 2016/07/22

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