Volume 13, Issue 61 (2026)                   CFL 2026, 13(61): 127-166 | Back to browse issues page

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mirdar rezaei M. Pottery Art and Craft in Mazandarani Parables (Case Study: Examining the Jar in Mazandarani Proverbs). CFL 2026; 13 (61) :127-166
URL: http://cfl.modares.ac.ir/article-11-75642-en.html
Assistant Professor, Department of Persian Language and Literature, Faculty of Literature and Humanities, University of Guilan, Rasht, Iran. , m.mirdar@umz.ac.ir
Abstract:   (73 Views)
The history of pottery in Mazandaran dates back to the 8th millennium BC, and the extent and spread of this art can be seen in different parts of this province. A jar is one of the most important clay products that is produced and reproduced mostly with the aim of meeting the essential needs of daily life. One of the ways to study the culture of societies is to study folk literature, especially the oral literature of that society, especially the study of proverbs. The present essay, which was written with a descriptive-analytical method and using library facilities, tries to investigate the function of "jug" (Kelā) in proverbs. Mazandarani and the type of encounter of the people of this province with that pottery is formed by an artistic-literary point of view. The results of this research show that the existence of proverbs made from clay jars, with different accents (from the east to the west of Mazandaran province), illustrate the presence and abundance of this artistic and practical product throughout the province. Also, the examination of Mazandarani proverbs, which are mostly brief and ambiguous, shows that the creators of proverbs are interested in mentioning the type and type of soil, as well as in the construction and finishing techniques (designs, pictures, colors). patterns and glazes do not have jars and instead, the emphasis and focus is on the coexistence of the jar with other elements in order to produce concepts.
Research background
Regarding the subject of this research, no independent study has been done so far, but Esmailzadeh and others (2021) have tried to "analyze the structure of proverbs made of "Sebu" clay in Saeb Tabrizi's ghazals" in an article, to show the extent and manner of Saeb's use of Cebu pottery in the literary form of the proverb.

Objectives, questions, and assumptions
Considering that the spread of pottery has included the geography of Mazandaran since the earliest times, it is necessary to analyze the type of encounter of the people of this province with pottery products from an artistic-literary point of view. Examining the terms related to pottery products in the proverbs of Mazandaran, apart from showing the artistry of the people of this region in the production of the said technology, their insight and aesthetic taste also emerges in the artistic use of pottery products in a rhetorical and literary context. This study tries to answer these questions while examining the functions of one of the earthenware products, i.e. "jug" and its types in Mazandarani proverbs. The following question, nonetheless, were raised:
1. Which of the types of jugs is the mostly used in face making and are there proverbs in the conceptual fields?
2. with what mechanism are most of the proverbs made from the jar and in which conceptual fields have they appeared?
3. In these parables, is there a reference to the type of soil and also to the technique of making and finishing the jars?
The main discussion
The proverbs of "jug" in Mazandarani language can be analyzed from two perspectives: 1. The use of jugs in the literary and anthropological fields, most samples of which focus on the coexistence of jugs with other elements, which were poured into its heart; 2. Reflecting the process and techniques of making and paying in proverbs. Based on the collected data, the types of jars that can be seen in Mazandarani proverbs are: "Kelā", "pilak", "pilkā", and "gƏmi", each of which is were investigated separately and according to the application scale.
Usually, in the specialized examination of pottery, attention is paid to features such as period, primary material, and manufacturing technique, patterns, etc. Clay is used to produce pottery in Mazandaran, and the most important tool for making jars is the pottery wheel (Kerimi et al., 2012, p. 94). In the reviewed examples, there is no mention of the material, the type of soil, or the technique of making and finishing the jars. In some proverbs, the spherical nature of clay jars is mentioned.

The most important jars in Mazandarani proverbs are: "Kelā", "pilak", "pilkā", and "gƏmi". In practical and conceptual fields, "Kelā" has the most diverse concepts, most of which are presented by showing the appearance of the jar. The conceptual field of "pilkā" emphasizes more on "the companionship of two people". The presence of elements of nature, especially elements such as water and the products of animal husbandry and agriculture, is one of the anthropological characteristics in proverbs. In the meantime, the most connection between the jar is with the word water, and after that, the products of animal husbandry, which are related to the jar. Then, there is the connection with rice and other grains. Among the other anthropological aspects of parables is the hitting of jars and their breaking, which is rooted in the beliefs and games of Mazandarani. From a literary point of view, all the features belonging to the coordinates of parables can be seen. Creators like these are not interested in mentioning the type and type of soil, as well as the technique of making and finishing the jars.
Ismailzadeh, Kh., Sadeghi-Nejad, R., & Mohammad Zadeh, M. (2021). Analyzing the structure of proverbs made from "Cebu" pottery. Quarterly Allegorical Research in Persian language and Literature, 13(47), 1-16.
Karimi, S., Qajrian Mahfrozi, A., & Hassan Nejad, P. (2012). Technology and documentation of Joibar pottery. Collection of articles of Tabarstan National Art Conference (past and present). With the efforts of Mustafa Rostami. Mazandaran: University of Mazandaran.
Keywords: Proverb, pottery, jar, kola, pilak, gemi
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Article Type: پژوهشی اصیل | Subject: Popular literature
Received: 2024/06/15 | Accepted: 2024/11/27 | Published: 2026/03/1

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