Volume 5, Issue 15 (2017)                   CFL 2017, 5(15): 113-135 | Back to browse issues page

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fallah N, gorji M, abumahbub A. Amir morphology and gem system based on the theory of Vladimir Propp. CFL 2017; 5 (15) :113-135
URL: http://cfl.modares.ac.ir/article-11-7272-en.html
1- dabir
2- Associate PNU Amol
3- Faculty Member of Islamic Azad University of Tehran
Abstract:   (8788 Views)
Vladimir Propp's morphology of the structure of literary work by taking the strategies of formalism presented with a check of one hundred Afsanh‌Y Russian magical, practical sample lost it. According to Propp theory, Afsanh‌Hay magical, in spite of differences in the structure and morphology of the fundamental principles in common and working to restore the underlying common axis.In the analytical field research, oral narrative Qdymy‌Tryn Amir and jewel - the romantic Mnzvmh‌Hay Mazandaran examined from the perspective of Propp's morphology. Rvayt‌Hay many of the myths common among people who are both long and short forms (Myny‌Malysty) is. According to the results, Khvyshkary‌Hay story of Amir and pearls, in compliance with Prop model, and thus the Asharh‌Y Prop displacement can be seen in this narrative has not been met.The sum of the parts and Shkhsyt‌Ha and system performance with a small displacement Amir and pearls and Khvyshkary‌Hay follow Propp's model stems. The story of Amir and that is the essence of Khvyshkary‌Hayy some thirty models Prop Yk‌Ganh not like: a dream or uncertain situation at the end of the narrative, the dignity of the place of magic or miracle behalf, in any case where the wedding end of story to happen at the beginning and at the end of the story of Amir and pearls occur in an uncertain situation all the screw. Of course, this Aftraq‌Ha with magical fairy tale romance Brmy‌Grdd Afsanh‌Y properties.
Key words: morphology Propp, Structure, Amir and pearls, Afsanh‌Y Ashqanh‌Y Mazandaran.
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Article Type: Research Paper | Subject: Popular literature
Received: 2016/06/25 | Accepted: 2017/07/23 | Published: 2017/07/28

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