Assistant Professor of Persian Language and Literature, Farhangian University, Tehran, Iran. ,
Abstract: (2953 Views)
Gagriveh is a term for a type of Bakhtiari mourning songs. Bakhtiari people call their mourning songs "Gagriveh", "Sero" or, "Dandal". These poems, like many public poems, are simple and unpretentious; they do not have specific singers, and women are their first singers. These poems are very old and popular among the Bakhtiaris, but they have not been reviewed in a multilateral manner. This article aims to review these poems through content analysis, descriptive-analytical approach. The data were collected in the form of fifteen samples (675 bits) from the three cities of Ardel, Kohrang and Lordegan located in Chaharmahal and Bakhtiari provinces. In this article, it is briefly stated that Bakhtiari's Gagrivehs are a type of narrative-descriptive poetry that are spoken in a conversational manner by the reader on behalf of himself, his family, and the deceased. Since most of them are arranged in couplets, their format can be called doublet. Their weight is syllabic. In terms of literary industries, simile, metaphor and irony have the highest frequency. 68 similes, 45 metaphors, and 50 ironies were found in the sample size (675 bits). In most of these literary arrays, simplicity and concreteness are evident. These poems, in terms of language, contain a large group of words, combinations and terms of Lori Bakhtiari's language. In terms of content, they have multifaceted content; in them, attention is paid to both the world and the hereafter. The age, gender, occupation, position and manner of death of the deceased form another part of the content of these poems. The local culture is strong in these poems and some of the attitudes of the Bakhtiari people can be seen in these poems, including the fear and reprehensibility of death, belief in the resurrection, and challenge to the sky.
Article Type:
پژوهشی اصیل |
Public literature of Lori and Bakhtiari Received: 2023/02/14 | Accepted: 2023/06/12 | Published: 2023/07/8