Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran , jafarimohammad@modares.ac.ir
Abstract: (1456 Views)
One of the manifestations of every culture is its folk literature, and one of the oldest examples of folk literature are adages. Adages contain the thoughts, worldview and customs of every people and nation. Their origin is not definitely known, but over time, people choose an adage that is caused by an event, legend, myth, poem, etc., and change it to their own style.“Like the Daf have earrings in the ear” is one of the adages recorded in proverbs book, and in this research, we investigated the background, the time period of changes and its application. First, we investigated the origin of adages through descriptive-analytical methods and library studies, and then we searched for its history and the course of its use in various texts until the present day, and finally we found that the history of this adage goes back to at least the sixth century of Hijra which has been updated in poetry texts. It is believed that until the 6th century, it was a common adage that was attributed to the poetry of the poets of this century, or it was introduced into the folk literature from the poetry of the poets of this period, especially Khaqani Shervani, and it often emphasized that the Daf has been a servant, playing the role of a metaphor. However, with the changes in social conditions in the present era and the change in the public attitude towards music and the Daf instrument, it has progressed towards destruction.
Article Type:
پژوهشی اصیل |
Popular literature Received: 2023/01/7 | Accepted: 2023/05/8 | Published: 2023/05/22