Volume 10, Issue 47 (2022)                   CFL 2022, 10(47): 1-42 | Back to browse issues page

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Jafarpoor M, Ahmad I. Textual Criticism of the Unique Manuscript of the Second Part of Zamji-Nāmeh. CFL 2022; 10 (47) :1-42
URL: http://cfl.modares.ac.ir/article-11-64434-en.html
1- Hakim Sabzevari University , m.jafarpour@hsu.ac.ir
2- University of the Punjab
Abstract:   (1611 Views)
Zamji-Nāmeh is the first logical sequence of Abu Muslim-Nāmeh and from the perspective of story, it narrates the events that happened after the murder of Abu Muslim Khorāsāni. The content of Zamji-Nāmeh is arranged in three parts according to the existing manuscripts and until today, only its first part has been published. The subject of the first part of Zamji-Nāmeh is the description of the circumstances and struggles of Ahmad bin Muhammad bin Ali Zamji and his other comrades who, after the killing of Abu Muslim, went against the Abbasids and continued until the destruction of Abu Ja’afar, the second Abbasid caliph, the narrative of which ends with the martyrdom of Ahmad Zamji. However, the second and third parts of Zamji-Nāmeh, known as Golzār Ali Ahmad Zamji and Koochak-Nāmeh, which reported the condition of the children of Ahmad Zamji and Abu Muslim Khorāsāni, have not yet been reviewed and have not been published. The current research has focused on the criticism of the unique manuscript of the second part of Zamji-Nāmeh, Golzār Ali Ahmad Zamji, in an inductive way and has presented its findings in two parts: codicology and textual criticism. In the first part of the study, the characteristics and handwriting of the only manuscript of this story in the library of Punjab University in Lahore are given, and then some other unknown manuscripts related to Zamji-Nāmeh, which have not been noticed until now, are introduced. After that, in the second part, titled textual criticism, the characteristics of the story have been examined
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Article Type: پژوهشی اصیل | Subject: Popular epic literature
Received: 2022/09/26 | Accepted: 2022/12/26 | Published: 2023/02/6

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