Volume 6, Issue 23 (2018)                   CFL 2018, 6(23): 151-181 | Back to browse issues page

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Literary-Colloquial Style in Iskandar Nameh by Manouchehr Khan Hakim. CFL 2018; 6 (23) :151-181
URL: http://cfl.modares.ac.ir/article-11-28331-en.html
Abstract:   (9289 Views)
As a simple text in folk literature, in Iskandar Nameh by Manouchehr Khan Hakim, which is in contrast to secretary texts of Safavid era, the author has tried to portray and create a literary and epic work in all text. This article seeks to determine what traits the author has benefited from in this style, and how successful has it been in achieving its goal. Among literary and colloquial style, which one is the most frequent? As a result, stylistic components at the lexical level were examined throughout the general examination of this work in seven volumes, and categories of folk writings were identified. The author's lexical tendencies are divided into two domains of archaism and common literary elements in all stylistic periods, and various constructs of adjectives, ancient words, interjection and Rā, various verbal construction , Arabic long titles, literary vocabulary and terminology, have brought it closer to technical and inspirational texts. In this field the cases such as colloquial words, fake nominalization, incorrect spelling, and swear words have contributed to the formation of colloquial text in this case. The glorious combination of genre writing has a dual style, on the one hand, literary, and on the other hand it is a kind of folk that the text has been influenced by numerous abnormalities and analogies, sometimes by eloquence and fluency, and consequently, it has become a kind of facetious text.
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Article Type: پژوهشی اصیل | Subject: Critical theories of literature and popular culture
Received: 2018/12/18 | Accepted: 2018/12/18 | Published: 2018/12/18

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