Volume 6, Issue 22 (2018)                   CFL 2018, 6(22): 179-203 | Back to browse issues page

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Yousef Fam A, Taheri R. Persian Tales: Derivation of “One Thousand and One Days” tales by Gérard Genette’s Intertexualite approach. CFL 2018; 6 (22) :179-203
URL: http://cfl.modares.ac.ir/article-11-16678-en.html
1- Persian Literature Department- Islamic Azad University of Tehran, Central Tehran Branch-Tehran-Iran
2- Persian Literature Department- Islamic Azad University of Tehran, Central Tehran Branch, Tehran, Iran
Abstract:   (8954 Views)
Abstract Based on the intertextuality approach, no text is self-sufficient and any text is an intertextuality of previous texts and at the same time would be an intertextuality for following texts. In this article, we will introduce a collection of fairy tales of the book “One Thousand and One Days”. As Petit de la Croix suggested, this book is a translation version of the book “Mokhles” by Darvish which is a collection of Persian tales. Afterward, we will explain this book compared to the Iranian folk tales, based on the transtextuality (Intertextuality) approach of Gérard Genette, we also will explain the Intertextuality relationships of this book. Based on the Intertextuality relationships, it is concluded that de la Croix had access to some pretexts of Iranian folk tales, including hypotexts that “Jawami ul-Hikayat“ is compiled and translated based on them. It can never be said that the roots and foundation of “One Thousand and One Days” tales are fake, inventive and imaginative of de la Croix’s pen. Keywords: One Thousand and One Days; Alf Al-nahār; Intertextuality; Transtextuality;Gérard Genette
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Article Type: Research Paper | Subject: Popular literature
Received: 2017/07/28 | Accepted: 2019/04/27 | Published: 2019/04/27

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