Volume 5, Issue 13 (2017)                   CFL 2017, 5(13): 111-132 | Back to browse issues page

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Nikkhoo A, Jalali pandari Y. Role of Narrative Features in Increasing the Dramatic Contents of the Narrators’ Comprehensive Scroll. CFL 2017; 5 (13) :111-132
URL: http://cfl.modares.ac.ir/article-11-1230-en.html
Abstract:   (9565 Views)
Haft Lashkar is one of the examples of comprehensive scroll written by an anonymous narrator in the Qajar era in 1292 BC. This title has been allocated to the name of one of the famous battle - narration due to its reputation and popularity as scrolls comprehensive.
Narrative aspect of the text is the prevalent factor of relationship between literature and drama. Imitating the movements of individual states by the narrator will orient the text toward the dramatic storytelling. In this case, narrator’s structural- subjective manipulation in the text of comprehensive scroll, in addition to explain the position of his/her, prepares the way to special narrative techniques in order to increase dramatic content of the work.
Based on Gérard Genette theory, in the present study narrative features of comprehensive scroll are examined in order to orient the dramatic content. Accordingly, the structure of narration in narration (Trans-narration), besides other narrative properties like order, voice or mood in the form of retrospective or prospective, focalization in narration and the relationship between focus and omniscient narrator are among the important narrative aspects of the present work which have shaped the orientation of dramatic text. 
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Received: 2017/05/6 | Accepted: 2017/04/21 | Published: 2017/05/6

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