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tashakori M, Rezaei dasht arzhaneh M, vatanparast M. Investigating and analyzing the functions of magic and fantasy elements In the folk stories of " Bahaar –e- Daanesh". CFL 2023;
URL: http://cfl.modares.ac.ir/article-11-71734-en.html
1- Assoc.Professor of Persian language and literature of Shahid Chamran University of Ahvaz , tashakori_m@yahoo.com
2- Dep. of persian language and literature faculty of letters and Humanities Shiraz University Iran
3- Ph.D. student of Persian language and literature, Shahid Chamran University, Ahvaz
Abstract:   (416 Views)
Bahaar-e-Daanesh is one of the folk and ancient Indian legends in Persian language with the theme of love,written by Inaayatullaah Kanabweh Laahoori(died 1088 AH)who authored it in the year(1061 AH)under the name of Shah Jahaan Gurkaani. This book is part of fiction literature, that is,the intersection of folk and literary stories and in the Indian storytelling style, a story within a story. Its main and long story is fictional and its theme is the love of "Bahre-Varbaanu and Jahaandaarshaah" and the theme of the main story and its main sub-stories are stories about women's tricks. In the spring of knowledge, themes such as shape-shifting, spells, magic, incarnation in a shape-shifting state, awareness of the science of dismembering the body,and the transfer of the soul from one body to another can be seen throughout the stories. In addition, the presence and conquest of Divan and ghouls,talking with magical animals, using the magic in the elements of nature,etc. are present in all the stories. In this article, the functions of magic and its helpers,objects and tools of magic and the ways of using them, magical trips and places and surreal beings,ways to achieve magic factors and nullifiers. Magic and talismans in the stories of Bahaar-e-Daanesh have been examined and analyzed to emphasize the importance of studying,knowing and preserving the cultural and social background of folk tales,which is the most important platform for the presence and manifestation of mythological and ancient themes among the masses. It is the people - to be emphasized.
Article Type: پژوهشی اصیل | Subject: Folklore literature
Received: 2023/09/26 | Accepted: 2024/02/17

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