Volume 4, Issue 11 (2016)                   CFL 2016, 4(11): 153-173 | Back to browse issues page

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Shah-Mohammadi K, Roshanfekr K, Rasouli H. Iran’s popular culture in Ibn Battuta’s itinerary. CFL 2016; 4 (11) :153-173
URL: http://cfl.modares.ac.ir/article-11-648-en.html
Abstract:   (10011 Views)
Popular culture deals with the public perception of habits, traditions, anecdotes, beliefs, anthems, proverbs, and oral speech, having been discussed in different areas of humanities including sociology, history, psychology, literature, art and even religions. Literature is, in its technical sense, marked with folklore elements. Particular attention to literature in multidisciplinary studies is a new approach.
An itinerary is a personal account of the conditions of the cities and nations visited by a travel writer. An itinerary encompasses invaluable information by means of which the social, political and economic realities of different historical periods can be established. Moreover, it is among the most critical ways to analyze and compare various nations, being at the same time the best way to gain insights into diverse phenomena surrounding popular culture and social communications, about which little has been written in historical documents.
This research, descriptive-analytical in nature, was concerned with investigating Iran’s popular elements, popular culture and social communications (folk literature of Iran). It also focused on popular-culture-based behaviors in the eyes of the Moroccan travel writer, who traveled across Iran during the Mongol Empire.  The findings indicate that folklore elements occupy an important position in Ibn Battuta’s itinerary. The appearance of these elements is mostly focused on eating habits and foods.
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Received: 2015/10/20 | Accepted: 2016/11/9 | Published: 2016/11/12

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