Volume 10, Issue 43 (2022)                   CFL 2022, 10(43): 183-216 | Back to browse issues page

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Some Specific Folks in Adab Al-Harb va A-Shaja’ah. CFL 2022; 10 (43) :183-216
URL: http://cfl.modares.ac.ir/article-11-59874-en.html
Abstract:   (1990 Views)
Adab Al-Harb va A-Shaja’ah is a valuable and specialized book in the field of war and war etiquette, which unfortunately has not been studied much. During the main topics of the book, which is militarism, we can find issues related to popular culture, customs, and folk beliefs. Due to the existence of various popular beliefs in this book, this study aims to focus on only a few specific beliefs related to wolves, ostriches and lions, which are rare and underused. Beliefs about ankle bone and bowstring are examined in the wolf debate, fire-eating beliefs in the ostrich debate, and fear beliefs in the lion debate. Extensive studies have shown that none of these beliefs have been studied so far, and in this article, as one of the first attempts, evidence from other texts and sources are examined. So far as research method is concerned, first, the book was carefully studied and different public beliefs and folks were extracted, then some specific beliefs were selected and described based on different sources.
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Article Type: Original Research | Subject: Popular literature
Received: 2021/11/16 | Accepted: 2022/02/21 | Published: 2022/03/14

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