Volume 12, Issue 56 (2024)                   CFL 2024, 12(56): 43-73 | Back to browse issues page

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Horri A. From Propp to Post-Propp: A Semiotic Approach to the Folktales. CFL 2024; 12 (56) :43-73
URL: http://cfl.modares.ac.ir/article-11-69578-en.html
Associate Professor of English Language and Literature, Faculty of Literature and Languages, Arak University, Arak, Iran. , a-horri @ araku.ac.ir
Abstract:   (2053 Views)
This article explores the semiotic approach, as a post-structuralist method, for analyzing folktales, with a specific focus on the story of "Haji Luva'as." In contrast to the structuralist approach, which primarily examines fixed and variable elements, as well as the thirty-one functions and seven spheres of action, the semiotic approach, particularly rooted in Greimas-2, delves deeper by considering the underlying meanings and concepts. This approach illustrates how the semiotic square becomes evident in the narrative syntax on the surface level. Subsequently, these deep and surface structures are realized in discourse syntax, contributing to the development of discursive meaning. Greimas-2 aims to construct discursive meaning through semiotic analysis while acknowledging the limitations of structuralist semiotics, viewing them as "meaning deficiencies." This article seeks to provide an analytical and explanatory response to the question of what unique characteristics the semiotic approach brings to the examination of folktales and how it differs from a purely descriptive and structuralist approach.
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Article Type: پژوهشی اصیل | Subject: Popular literature
Received: 2023/06/2 | Accepted: 2023/12/25 | Published: 2024/05/19

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