Volume 5, Issue 16 (2017)                   CFL 2017, 5(16): 217-242 | Back to browse issues page

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ameri J. Collecting and classifying of livestock worsd and phrases in Torud dialect. CFL 2017; 5 (16) :217-242
URL: http://cfl.modares.ac.ir/article-11-4347-en.html
1- semnan university
Abstract:   (5836 Views)
Torud district located in the southern border of Semnan province, recognized as subsidiary of Shahrud city in terms of new geographical breakdown . The dialect of people in this obsolete village, having too likeness to some kinds of Khorāsāni dialects, for various reasons, including the inaccessibility to the city has remained largely intact . Hence particular study of words, expressions and interpretations of this dialect can be useful and helpful in solving some problems of classic poems and meaning of the ancient Persian texts, In addition to the benefits of its anthropological and linguists aspects. By categorizing the terminology associated with livestock in Torud district, which is collected during a field study and completed with other correlate books, this study attempts to point to Word derivation, the roots of some ancient words and any tradition joint to livestock in Torud folklore. Morever this study is a main step for ranchind dictionary collecting .
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Article Type: Research Paper | Subject: Languages ​​and Dialects Public
Received: 2017/03/13 | Accepted: 2017/08/23 | Published: 2017/09/23

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