Volume 8, Issue 31 (2020)                   CFL 2020, 8(31): 1-21 | Back to browse issues page

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ebrahimi A. Reconciliation and Union of Iranians and Mongols in Mongolian Girl Legend. CFL 2020; 8 (31) :1-21
URL: http://cfl.modares.ac.ir/article-11-38719-en.html
assistant professor , amenehebrahimi94@gmail.com
Abstract:   (3536 Views)
    Iranians struggled to change their destiny in the hard times of their history through resistance and sometimes peace and reconciliation. In the meantime, besides the continued efforts of the elite class, public efforts must also be made to bring about a favorable situation for coexistence with the ruling class. The less educated people whose idealistic minds were embracing historical reality to view events more easily, grasped the imagination and the legend, and continued to live their lives by building new ideas. The legend of the Mongolian Girl which comes from the days of the Mongols' domination of Iran, is an example of a compensatory imagination through the themes of love and marriage. It is full of faith and stability, the reconciliation and oneness between the two sides, going beyond the lost sovereignty and authority of Iran in the Mongols over a wide geographical range from east to west. The research method is descriptive-analytical.
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Article Type: پژوهشی اصیل | Subject: Popular literature
Received: 2019/12/4 | Accepted: 2020/02/25 | Published: 2021/02/28

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