Volume 7, Issue 29 (2019)                   CFL 2019, 7(29): 69-92 | Back to browse issues page

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shariatirad M, sharifi valadani G, Toghiani E. An Analysis of the Reflection of Plant Patterns in the Traditions of the People of Kohgiloye Vobir Ahmad. CFL 2019; 7 (29) :69-92
URL: http://cfl.modares.ac.ir/article-11-35714-en.html
1- PhD student in epic literature
2- Assistant Professor, Department of Persian Language and Literature, University of Isfahan , gsharifi22@yahoo.com
3- Professor, Department of Persian Language and Literature, University of Isfahan
Abstract:   (4139 Views)
Rituals are among the ceremonies that bring people together and preserve and reproduce cultural monuments in every nation. Among the people of Kohgiloye Vobir Ahmad, there are rituals, rooted in the ancient Iran, that represent plant themes. Among these rituals, which are still practiced today with the same style, are the Pol Borun, reading Sharbah, the sacrificial, Balagarduni, and Chalegarm Konun. The Pol Borun ritual is performed in the absence of a woman's spouse who cuts her hair and then buries it under an oak tree. In the sacrificial ritual, the animal is sacrificed under the oak tree at the top of the mountain or under the bush by the river to shed its blood as a sign of fertility. In the ritual of Balagarduni, in addition to planting patches on the tree to keep the evil eyes away, mountain plants are also used. In the Chalegarm Konun, while taking green plants to the tombs before the New Year's Eve, some Ash (food) is cooked with eight oak sticks and then divided among the locals. The purpose of this study is to analyze the vegetative signs in the rituals of the people in Kohgiloye Vobir Ahmad and explain the literary aspects of these local poems. This research is based on the field library study, qualitative content analysis, and the semi-structured interviews. Many elements of herbal plants, such as polypropylene, mulch and smoking, sheding blood in the sacrificial rites, and pruning the graves have mythological representation in the Iranian culture.
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Article Type: پژوهشی اصیل | Subject: Public literature of Lori and Bakhtiari
Received: 2019/08/17 | Accepted: 2019/10/26 | Published: 2019/12/31

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