Volume 7, Issue 28 (2019)                   CFL 2019, 7(28): 23-46 | Back to browse issues page

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Khodadad M, kheirkhah S, Madani A. Comparative analysis of Siāvash’s story and Ta'zieh Nāmah’s Narrative. CFL 2019; 7 (28) :23-46
URL: http://cfl.modares.ac.ir/article-11-33079-en.html
1- Student
2- Faculty member , zh9988@gmail.com
3- Faculty member
Abstract:   (6964 Views)
Rituals and arts, Iranian beliefs and traditions, and therefore the role and status of the ancient and innocent heroes of this land bring about diverse events in the rituals, myths and symbols of the Iranian Shiites, especially in Ashurā culture. The traces of these contents and thoughts can be found in many religious traditions. In this sense, the Ta'zieh manuscript is even more widespread because of its reputation among the general public. This article has attempted to show the impact of Siāvash's story on Ta'zieh version of Imam Hussein. Therefore the purpose of this research is through summarizing the two stories and their characteristics, to examine their similarities and their links with the mysterious birth of a celestial mother, their eternal aspect, their actions and reactions of nature to these heroes, their prediction and awareness of their destiny, their presence of supernatural, equipment, martyrdom, repetition of history, worship and protection, as well as common symbols and references. This research attempts to answer the question of how, in addition to tell a historical fact, it would be possible to combine the myths of mythical heroes with religious leaders in order to make the character more credible and even more praiseworthy.
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Article Type: پژوهشی اصیل | Subject: Public display literature
Received: 2019/05/18 | Accepted: 2019/07/14 | Published: 2019/11/1

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