Volume 9, Issue 42 (2022)                   CFL 2022, 9(42): 251-283 | Back to browse issues page

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Zabihi R, Kasai M. Therapeutic Properties of Stones in Ancient Mineralogical Texts. CFL 2022; 9 (42) :251-283
URL: http://cfl.modares.ac.ir/article-11-58782-en.html
1- Associate Professor Persian Language and Literature, Ilam University, Ilam, Iran , r.zabihi@ilam.ac.ir
2- PhD Candidate of Persian Literature and Language, Ilam University, Ilam, Iran
Abstract:   (1219 Views)
Literature Review
So far, two books have been written on mineralogy. First, Mineralogy in Ancient Iran by Zavesh who has made a few mentions of some therapeutic properties of the stones. Second, The Encyclopedia of the Precious and Semi-Precious Stones and Minerals in the Persian Literature, by Mohammadi and Farmani Anosheh who also referred to some medical power of the stones, here and there (Mohammadi & Farmani Anosheh, 2013, pp. 14, 17, 29, 44). Besides these books on mineralogy, Zolfaghari has also touched on some curing qualities in his book Iranian’s Folk Literature (Zolfaghari, 2016, pp. 109, 122, 123, 307). Jahanshahi Afshar, in an article titled ‘Therapeutic Properties of Precious Stones in Ancient Medical and Literal Texts’, has also recounted the healing power of ten stones (see: Jahanshahi Afshar, 2016, pp. 306-315).
Aims, questions, and hypotheses
The main purpose of this study is to investigate the therapeutic features of minerals in ancient texts and to offer a factual and accessible discussion on this topic. The major research question in this essay is: what are the most important stones' curative properties in ancient texts and how these properties can be categorized and analyzed? The basic hypothesis, accordingly, is that there are plenty of discussions about and references to therapeutic properties of minerals in mineralogical and medical texts as well as encyclopedias which through extraction, categorization and analysis give us a clear insight of ancient people’s perception of mineral medications.
Main discussion
Curative qualities of minerals lend themselves to study and analysis from three main perspectives: first, those features which were put in use for psychotherapy, ophthalmology, oral, and nasopharyngeal disease, internal conditions, kidney and bladder ailments, pregnancy and birth giving, arthritis and swellings, skin and hair disorder, wounds and injuries, poisons and antidotes; Second, there are disease preventions, and third, medical instruments.
In psychotherapy, some disorders such as melancholy, lunacy, epilepsy, Parkinson’s disease and insomnia were treated by means of stony corals, platinum, gold and silver. Some minerals were also considered to be effective in reliving sadness and raising one’s spirit (Tousi, 2008, p. 149). They also believed that some stones improved quality of sleep (Shahmardan ibn Abi Alkheir, 1983, p. 267). Minerals were used for curing some eye ailments as well (Ansari Shirazi, 1992, p. 174), for example, Malachite was used to treat Slack and Pterygium (Nasiruddin Tousi, 1967, p. 119). They were utilized to treat oral and nasopharyngeal disease, too. Some minerals were put in use to treat internal diseases such as stomach or liver disorder like cirrhosis. Treatment of kidney and bladder was another therapeutic application of minerals. Some traditions related to child birth and pregnancy were rooted in beliefs in supernatural or magical properties of stones. Another important therapeutic application of minerals was treatment of joint disease such as Gout. They were also thought of as effective in dermatology and hair disorders. Injuries also were sometimes treated by minerals. Poisoning and poison related disease were partly cured using minerals. Prevention of some diseases like cholera and plague also was belied to possible by means of minerals and finally, another group of mineral stones were used in making tools like needle, mirror or knife which were also believed to be helpful in curing some ailments.
Reliance on curative properties of minerals which has been documented in resources such as mineralogical and medical texts, encyclopedias and fantasy books, gave them the second important position for curing diseases after herbal and organic treatments. The therapeutic minerals were manufactured and applied in a variety of methods the most important of which were grinding, burning, drinking, eating, coating, fastening, hanging, taking with oneself and watching at them. These treatments covered an extended range of experimental attributes to traditional and popular beliefs.
Ansari Shirazi, A. (1992). Ekhtiarat e Badi’i (edited by M. T. Mir). Pakhsh e Razi, Pharmaceutical Co.
Jahanshahi Afshar, A. (2016). Therapeutic properties of precious stones in ancient medical and literal texts. Journal of Islamic and Iranian Traditional Medicine, 7(3) 306-319.
Mohammadi, M., & Farmani Anousheh, N. (2017). The encyclopedia of The precious and semi-precious stones and minerals in the Persian literature. Zavar.
Nasirudin Tousi, M. (1969). Ilkhani’s Tansoukh-Nameh (edited by M. T. Modares Razavi). Iran’s Culture Institute.
Shahmardan ibn Abalkhair. (1983). Alaei’s Nozhatnameh (edited by F. Jahanpour). Cultural Studies and Researchers Institute.
Tousi, M. (2008). Wonder creatures and strange animals. Cultural and Scientific.
Zolfaghari, H., & Shiri, A. (2016). Iranian’s folk literature. Cheshmeh Publication.
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Article Type: Original Research | Subject: Folklore
Received: 2021/10/17 | Accepted: 2021/12/25 | Published: 2022/01/7

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