2345-4466 :pISSN
2423-7000 :eISSN
Peer-Review Policy: The peer review process in this Journal is double-blinded in which the reviewer’s name is unknown to the author and vice versa. Submitted articles go through a structural and subject evaluation to make sure they are in line with Culture and Folk Literature principles. Confirmed papers go through a double-blind peer review by three field experts chosen by the Board of Review based on their specialty. Reviewers Responsibilities: The reviewers have the following responsibilities: - Assisting the chief editor in decision-making and potentially helping authors improve papers through editorial communication. The reviewers are asked to decline the review if unqualified or unable to promptly review. - Treating the PDF manuscripts as confidential documents and avoiding unauthorized sharing. - Conducting objective reviews, avoiding personal criticism, and providing clear, supported feedback. - Identifying relevant, uncited published work and reporting potential plagiarism or overlap with other publications. The journal maintains confidentiality of information and ideas, avoiding personal gain or reviewing papers with conflicts of interest. |
Open Access Policy: Open access and free (all papers) This Journal’s contents and the articles are freely available to readers without subscriptions or payments through the journal website or its permanent repositories. Users can read, download, copy, distribute, publish, search, and refer to the articles without the permission of the publisher or author as far as the articles are correctly cited. |
Publishing Ethics: This Journal follows all the terms and conditions of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) and complies with the highest ethical standards in accordance with ethical laws and the law regarding the prevention and prosecution of plagiarism. Licensing Policy: This Journal is licensed under the terms of international copyright law of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial "(CC BY-NC)" ![]() |
Authors fees: Dear authors/ paper contributors, you are being humbly informed that the journal charges 600 thousand Tomans (In two steps: Reviewing: 200 thousand Tomans, and Publishing: 400 thousand Tomans) |
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Scientific ID of the Bimonthly Culture and Folk Literatur | |
Journal Type | Scientific (Ministry of Science, Research, and Technology) |
Publication Period | Bimonthly |
Editor-in-Chief | Naser Nikoobakht |
Establishment | 2013 |
Ranking | ISC (Q1), Ministry of Science (B), Impact Factor (0.3) |
Ranking | Scientific-research with reference to document No. 3/18/23387 on 14/05/2013 in the committee of scientific journals |
Average review process | Two months, at least 3 reviewers |
Acceptance rate | 28% |
Language of publication | Farsi (Abstract: English) |
Type of publication | Electronic |
Access policy | Open and free (all papers) |
Scope | Folk literature, folk culture, language and folk dialect, folk arts, ethnography, criticism and culture and folk literature theories (with an emphasis on folk literature for all areas of research) |
Address and Contact number | 09333086132 (calls available on Monday from 12 to 16), available all time through message and email at: cfl@modares.ac.ir Research center of Language and Persian Literature, Tarbiat Modares University, Intersection of Jalal and Chamran, Tehran |
Executive staff | Director: Parnian Zarepour; Farsi editor: Leila Ahmadi; English editor: Ehsan Mehri; Paging: Zeinab Nourpour Juybari |
Review and publication charge | 200.000 tomans for the review process and 400.000 tomans for the acceptance and publication |
Bank account No. | Bank account No.: 4001075003007294 Shaba ID.: ir520100004001075003007294 Deposit ID: 386075074140103004110860000000 The payment should be done on the journal’s website (author’s account), which will be done through connecting to the transferring channel of the bank after the primary reception of the paper (before the review process) and after the final acceptance (before the acceptance letter). |
Nazi Arefnezhad, Ahmad karimi, Naeeme Kialashki, Ali Asgharzadeh
Ashraf Soltaninia, Mohammad Aref, Abolfazl Davoodi Roknabadi