Volume 12, Issue 60 (2024)                   CFL 2024, 12(60): 183-233 | Back to browse issues page

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Tohidiyan R. Investigation and Analysis of Popular Beliefs in Vaez Qazvini's Poems. CFL 2024; 12 (60) :183-233
URL: http://cfl.modares.ac.ir/article-11-76380-en.html
Assistant Porfessor of Persian Language and Literature Dept Islamic Azad University Salmas Branch , r_tohidiyan@yahoo.com
Abstract:   (150 Views)
A huge part of culture and oral literature of any nation is popular literature. This type of literature includes habits, traditions, legends, beliefs, rituals, customs and proverbs of nations. Popular beliefs in any land indicate the elevation of the culture and civilization of that society, which over many years, have become important and essential resources in the possession and employment of poets and writers in the whole world, especially poets and writers of the Persian language. Mulla Mohammad Rafi Qazvini, a devoted preacher, is one of the famous scholars, Khutba, writers and poets and the owner of the style of the Safavid era in the 11th century of Hijri, who used a new form of language, preferring the throne and the school of the street and the market over the throne and the school. Safavid sultans, following their predecessors, thinking with the poets of their time, depicted popular beliefs and opinions in different forms in their poems. In this research, with the descriptive-analytical method and the use of library sources, most of the popular beliefs and opinions, in the whole of the poet's sonnets, extensive verses and quatrains, were extracted and examined by providing example evidence from previous prose and verse texts and poets of the same style. The result of the research is that in Vaez's poems, especially the sonnets, inspired by the poets of the Indian style, especially Saeb Tabrizi, there are popular beliefs, along with other poetic meanings and themes, due to the horizontal connection of the sonnet verses and the use of the artistic and literary phenomenon of the equation of frequency style. 
Research background
Regarding the popular beliefs in the preacher's poems, no research has been done so far in the form of books, articles, master's theses, and doctoral dissertations. The present study is the first research work that has investigated and analyzed the popular beliefs and opinions in the poems of Vaez Qazvini, by providing example evidence from the previous prose and verse texts and contemporary poets of the time. The studies that have been done in the field of Qazvini's preacher and his poetic features are: Alimi et al. (2019), which investigated and analyzed the association of meanings in the poems of Waez Qazvini based on the innovative techniques used in the poems of Waez Qazvini; Najarian and Hatampour (2016) analyzed the literary industries of Vaiz Qazvini's Chapters of Al-Jinan; Najarian and Hatampour (2012) studied the effectiveness of the Qazvini preacher from the book of Varam in the context of Kabar and Ajab, Riya and Sama; Babaei (2023) has investigated and analyzed the didactic literature in the poems of Vaez Qazvini.   

Goals, questions and research methods
The author's goal is to investigate and analyze the popular beliefs and opinions in the whole of the Ghazals, and scattered verses and quatrains of Waez Qazvini. The following questions have been answered in this research:           
1.What is the position of folk beliefs in Vaez Qazvini's poem?       
2. Considering Waez Qazvini, and his predecessors and thinking with the poets of the Safavid era, how has he depicted popular beliefs in his poems?     
3. How, Vaez Qazvini, inspired by the poets of his style, especially Saeb Tabrizi, has benefited from the artistic and literary phenomenon of the equation style in dealing with popular beliefs?                          
The research method was library and descriptive-analytical. First of all, the study of books and articles that have mentioned the topic under discussion were reviewed. In the next stage, all the poems, scattered verses and quatrains of Waez Qazvini were studied carefully, and most of the popular beliefs and opinions were extracted

Discussion and conclusion
Mullah Mohammad Rafi Qazvini, nicknamed the preacher, is one of the famous scholars, khutba, writers and poets and the owner of the style of the Safavid era in the 11th century of Hijri, who used a new form of language, preferring the throne and school of street and bazaar to the throne and school of sultans. He followed his predecessors and portrayed popular beliefs and ideas in his poems in different forms. The phenomenon of the imagination of the equation style, inspired by poets of the Indian style, such as Saeb, plays an essential role in the expression of popular beliefs and ideas used in the poems of Vaez Qazvini. In allegory, characters, times and places are usually changed. Allegorical characters are usually animals and inanimate objects. Because these objects have behaviors similar to human behaviors, they find a kind of humanity. That is, they become owners of thoughts, actions and personalities like humans (Mohammadi, 1995, p. 141). Allegory and equation style is one of the most important coordinates of Indian style, but it was also used in earlier styles such as Iraqi style and Khorasani style. However, in Khorasani and Iraqi poetry styles, the allegory is mentioned in one verse and the allegory in another verse. The main difference between the parables of pre-Indian styles and this one is in the number of stanzas. Parables of the Indian style are generally presented in one stanza and those of other styles in more than one stanza. In other words, parables can be divided into two categories: 1.  Compact parables, 2.  Extended allegories. Allegories of Indian style, compact allegories, allegories of other styles, are generally broad allegories (ibid, pp. 142-143).
In this study, most of the common beliefs of the preacher's poems, within the scope of sonnets, scattered verses and quatrains of the poet, have been extracted from the beginning to the end, and by citing examples of evidence from earlier prose and verse texts and contemporary poets of the poet and those after him, a detailed examination has been conducted. Beliefs and ideas can be seen in the poems of Safavid poets, which were not seen in the poems of previous poets, and the signs of those beliefs and ideas cannot be given. Waez Qazvini, inspired by his predecessors and poets of the same style, has depicted popular beliefs in different forms in his poems. By examining Waez's poems, especially his sonnets, it can be seen that in common with poets of the Indian style, such as Saeb Tabrizi, popular beliefs have a very wide reflection due to the horizontal connection of the verses of the sonnet and the use of the imaginary element (the style of simile). The only innovation of the poet is in presenting popular beliefs in comparison with previous poets.
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Article Type: پژوهشی اصیل | Subject: Popular literature
Received: 2024/08/2 | Accepted: 2024/10/17 | Published: 2024/12/30

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