Volume 12, Issue 60 (2024)                   CFL 2024, 12(60): 235-276 | Back to browse issues page

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Zabihi A. Written Background of Proverbs in Tabari Language. CFL 2024; 12 (60) :235-276
URL: http://cfl.modares.ac.ir/article-11-70664-en.html
independent researcher , azabihin@yahoo.com
Abstract:   (671 Views)
Tabari's written proverbs are often recorded as singulars in local history books, and they all refer to historical events and sidelines of the battles of Tabaristan or Mazandaran. These cases are classified as historical proverbs. The time, place and persons in these parables are known and definite. Although these proverbs have been common among the people of the region for several centuries, none of them reached the contemporary period and they exist only in the same historical books. Regarding the written parables of Tabari / Mazandarani, no suitable background has been written so far. This issue can be seen in the entry of encyclopedias and the beginning of published books and articles. Most of the contemporary books that deal with Mazandarani parables are written for taste and patriotism; therefore, despite the importance of such published works, this deficiency is observed in all of them. Considering the relative knowledge of the most important published historical and contemporary works, this study aims to fill this gap. Due to the historical nature of the article, the research method is descriptive and the method of collecting information is library.
Research background
The background of the research in the field of Tabari proverbs is not very rich and there are only scattered studies without regard to the background of Tabari proverbs. Only two related studies (Emadi, 1983; Honari Kar, 2016) could be found in the literature. However, they paid more attention to the linguistic and literary nature and the historical narrative of Tabari proverbs.

Objectives, questions, and assumptions
There are several historical written sources for Tabaristan or Mazandaran in the form of books and corrected manuscripts. Some contemporary writers have also mentioned some historical examples from these written sources.
This article deals with parables that are found in historical books and the author of the book also considered them to be proverbs. Therefore, it was tried to be more accurate in quoting proverbs in order to better show its historical background and importance.
The study aims to answer the following questions:
1. Can we find more and older written parables by reading the texts? And add to their number?
2. Tabari's oldest proverb has a history of several centuries, but what is its position in relation to modern Iranian languages ​​and dialects?

Main discussion
Parables, as one of the types of prose in the typology of popular literature, do not have a specific date of origin; but it can be assumed that people used them all the time. All languages ​​have proverbs and Tabari language is no exception. Certainly, a language that has a valuable historical background carries a huge cultural burden that proverbs form a part of its body.
Local history books are valuable resources that provide useful information about various aspects of people's social life. particularly the proverbs and ironies, etc. Tabari proverbs were extracted based on historical priority from the books Tarikh Tabaristan by Ibn Esfandiar (7th century AH), Tarikh Royan by Maulana Olyaullah Amoli (8th century AH), History of Tabaristan, Royan and Mazandaran by Mir Zahir al-Din Marashi (9th century AH), History of Mazandaran by Mullashikh Ali Gilani (11th century AH). In addition to that, the studies conducted in Diwan Manochehari Damghani (5th century AH), general poems of Talib Amoli (11th century AH) and the manuscript of Nisab Tabari (13th century AH) were also used. In the review of local written sources, a set of other information such as nicknames and the place of occurrence of some incidents were also mentioned, the location of which was in Tabaristan or that the perpetrators were from Tabaristan.

By examining the local written sources published about Tabaristan and Mazandaran, ten proverbs of Tabari were identified in these books. Of these, four proverbs were previously identified, and six of Tabari's old proverbs have been added to them with further explanation in this article.
The oldest written proverb of Tabari dates back to the time of "Ispahbod Khursheed" and "Sinbad Nishaburi" (early 2nd century AH - 138 AH). This proverb is related to the time when the Islamic period has not yet started in Mazandaran. Other proverbs happened during the battle of Tabaristan local dynasties with each other. Two proverbs were created in the time of Qaranvandan, two proverbs in the time of Bavandian in the second period, four proverbs in the time of Marashian and one proverb was created in the attack of Timur Gorkani on Mazandaran.
Mir Zahir al-Din Marashi in the book Tarikh Tabaristan, Royan and Mazandaran mentioned five proverbs, Olyaullah Amoli in the book Tarikh Royan mentioned three proverbs, Mollashikh Ali Gilani mentioned two proverbs in the book History of Mazandaran, and Ibn Esfandiar mentioned one proverb of Tabari in the book Tarikh Tabaristan. The period of historical proverbs is from the beginning of the second century to the end of the eighth century of Hegirae; the oldest sources for Persian proverbs are related to the 3rd and 4th centuries of Hegirae and the oldest work in Arab culture is related to the year 168 Hegirae.
The analysis of extracted proverbs shows that most of the proverbs are scattered and there was no written thought in collecting them; but in the contemporary century, the process of collecting proverbs has become research-oriented and they have been written with the aim of recording a part of the social life of the people of Mazandaran.

Emadi, A. (1983). A parable of Tabari in the history of Mazandaran. Ayande Magazine, 9(5), 347-349, [In Persian].
Honarikar, B. (2016). Be Har Hali, Soote Kali Beh Ke Zinde Garmavrood, Shelab collection of articles, book 5, Yusof Elahi and others, Babol: Eksir ghalam [In Persian].
Zolfaghari, H. (2021). The use of old proverbs in the poems of Manochehari Damghani. Culture Quarterly, 68, 51-96 [In Persian].
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Article Type: پژوهشی اصیل | Subject: Gilan and Mazandaran Public Literature
Received: 2023/07/21 | Accepted: 2023/12/5 | Published: 2024/12/30

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