Volume 5, Issue 15 (2017)                   CFL 2017, 5(15): 179-197 | Back to browse issues page

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pakzad M. comparing Kurdish folk narrative of Mehr and Vafa with Shoori Kashi’s poemes. CFL 2017; 5 (15) :179-197
URL: http://cfl.modares.ac.ir/article-11-3392-en.html
professor. faculty
Abstract:   (10045 Views)
This thesis is a study of one of the enchanting stories of love in post Islam Iran. Mehr-o-Vafa has 1309 versess and the rhytme is Mafaylon Mafaylon Folon. Poet dedicated it to Shah Abbas Safavid and Etemadol Dowleh Hatam Beig, and imitating the style of Khosrow-Shirin arranged and organized a poetic introduction for it. ُThis thesis is a study of comparative literature, particularly poetry of the lyric literature (fiction epopee) in Persian and Kurdish, which has long been of interest to researchers. Since this thesis the folk tradition of oral literature of Kurdish Mehr-o-vafa story with Sho'ori Kashi's Meho-vafa from eleventh century And with the knowledge that where there is a story of Folk kind and deal with another version of the narrative can not easily determine which version is older than the other. This research tries to idendify more narrators and compare roots and causes of why this story is rewritten by Kurdish poets in the Western parts of our country? Adapting the story of Mehr-o-Vafa in the narrative tradition of oral literature of Kurdish with Sho'ori Kashi's in Persian classical literature from all aspects, including the translation and aesthetic aspects will be done throughout this research.

KEY WORDS: Mehr-o-Vafa , Kurdish folk narrative, Persian narrative, Sho'ori Kashi.
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Article Type: Research Paper | Subject: Popular literature
Received: 2016/07/4 | Accepted: 2017/07/23 | Published: 2017/07/28

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